Nuts and BlogBolts

February 13, 2009

Popping The Bubble

Filed under: Uncategorized — amydomestico @ 9:46 pm

Having 3 little kids and packing them up in the car to go out on a Friday night for dinner and “home depot fun” is hard enough as it is.   Having a handicap child and packing up the kids in the car for a night of picking out paint and mexican fiesta fun is even harder.  My husband and I have sadly let our social life go in the shitter due to “its just easier to order take out and run out solitary with a list from the other and pray we buy what the other wanted and don’t screw up” .

After living in this bubble for a few years “the bubble also included avoiding crowded places as to not get the munchkin ill as mommy got sick of eating hospital food and watching said child get poked with needles” we have decided enough is enough and we are done with take out, well for the most part, and we will tackle the home depot as a family and “All” be happy with the new paint colors on the walls.  This happens tonight with a trip to find the perfect pallet for our bedroom walls, and then a need to feed that craving for good Mexican food, not soggy from take out containers complete with a non alcoholic margarita frozen with salt.

Munchkin goes back to school finally the end of this month after a long absence due to illness and surgeries, and its time to start living again.

PS.   A secret for you all.   We are all going to cram into our 2 door ford explorer sport and I can guarantee you within a 3 week period we will be looking at a more roomier car.  So this may be a really expensive adventure.

Stay tuned for pic’s and updates

February 11, 2009

Silence is a text easy to misread

Filed under: Uncategorized — amydomestico @ 8:27 pm

Well-timed silence has more eloquence than speech.

Two great quotes

Tom Foolery

Filed under: Blogging,Branding,Marketing — amydomestico @ 4:28 am

About 6 months ago I cut out all soda from my diet with the exception of the occasional diet whatever while out and about.  Then 3 weeks ago I gave up all coffee, ridding myself of all the caffeine in my diet, with the exception of the occasional cup from wherever if I’m out and about.  Keep in mind my out and abouts are infrequent so its less then one caffeine splurge every 2 weeks.  I work from home so I’m not a slave to the take out industry.

I replace my liquid intake with water, flavored and tap.  Flavored being Adirondack Pomegranate being my favorite and tap water with Crystal light flavor packets added to rid my gag reflex of the horrors of tap water.

So today I happen to read the packet, that mind you I have been adding to water now for 3 weeks and feeling good about my caffeinless life, I was even surprised i didn’t get the usual caffeine withdrawal headache but anywho, I’m reading and I see “caffeine to enhance mental energy”.

Ok so I neglected to read the box, or maybe my subconscious saw it and snickered a bit saying to itself “she cant function without you do it!”

Either way I have to say Crystal Light Focus Natural Citrus Splash rocks the flavor and got me off the starbucks.

Im thankful truly.

Now, the decision to stop or continue …….that is the question.

Everything in moderation?

February 10, 2009

Resurrecting My Nuts?….and Blogbolts

Filed under: Uncategorized — amydomestico @ 7:33 am

Been too long since I blogged and far too long since I wrote anything anywhere, so I am resurrecting my old blog, I have deleted what was in here as I just wanted a fresh start.

I feel like a rusty old car who hasnt been started in a while so this should be interesting the first few weeks, till I get my groove back anyway.

More to come, well more then this anyway,  this particular entry sucketh badly 🙂

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